MTMU ditubuhkan pada 2001 dengan jumlah pelajar sebanyak 30 orang pelajar lelaki dan 10 pelajar perempuan. Nama asal sebelum ini digunakan sehingga April 2008 dan diubah kepada MTMU untuk tujuan pendaftaran dengan Jabatan Agama Islam Negeri Selangor dengan no pendaftaran SPS/PRP/8/6/(SEM)-289. Kini madrasah ini mempunyai 320 orang pelajar yang terdiri daripada 90 orang pelajar tahfiz lelaki, 90 orang pengajian islam lelaki, 80 orang pelajar tahfiz perempuan dan 60 orang pelajar pengajian islam perempuan.
Para pelajar mengahafaz sehingga 30 juz Al-Quran dalam tempoh masa 2 hingga 4 tahun dan seterusnya mengambil syahadah iaitu bacaan Al-Quran 30 juz secara berterusan tanpa melihat mushaf dalam tempoh 1 hingga 3 hari.
Selepas pelajar menamatkan pengajian tahun ke-4 di madrasah ini, mereka akan menyambung pengajian tahun ke-5 di Mardasah Miftahul Ulum, Sri Petaling sehingga tamat pengajian pada tahun ke-8. Pengajian bahagian perempuan pula sehingga tahun ke-4 daripada keseluruhan 6 tahun pengajian.Pihak madrasah telah bersetuju untuk meneruskan tahun ke-5 yang akan dimulakan pada masa hadapan. Terdapat lebih kurang 80 orang pelajar luar negara yang belajar dimadrasah ini daripada Kemboja, Vietnam, Thailand, Filipina, China, Indonesia, Singapura dan Pakistan.
Titik Permulaan Projek
Satu jawatankuasa pembangunan diwujudkan dan telah bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya dalam usaha untuk membangunkan Madrasah Tahfiz yang baru. Persetujuan telah dicapai didalam satu mesyuarat untuk membina Kompleks Madrasah Tahfiz Miftahul Ulum yang dianggar menelan belanja kira-kira RM33 juta yang telah dimulakan pada tahun 2011. Alhamdullilah, seorang hamba Allah telah mewakafkan tanah seluas lebih 10 ekar dan mewakafkan wang berjumlah RM20 juta untuk memulakan projek pembangunan ini. Langkah awal yang telah diambil dengan mengadakan satu taklimat berkenaan projek telah diadakan pada 17hb April, 2010 dan telah dihadiri seramai lebih 1,000 orang tetamu. Didalam taklimat tersebut para hadirin telah diberi penerangan bahawa tujuan pembinaan Kompleks Madrasah ini adalah untuk manafaat semua pihak. Ia juga membawa maksud bahawa madrasah ini bukanlah milik perseorangan bahkan madrasah ini adalah milik kita bersama. Kita semua bertanggungjawab untuk menjaga, memajukan, memelihara dan mengawal selia madrasah ini.
Corporate Social Responsibility
MTMU was established in 2001 with a total of 30 male and 10 female students. The original name was previously used until April 2008 and changed to MTMU for the purpose of registration with the Selangor State Islamic Religious Department with registration number SPS/PRP/8/6/(SEM)-289. Now the madrasah has 320 students, comprising 90 male tahfiz students, 90 male Islamic studies students, 80 female tahfiz students, and 60 female Islamic studies students.
The students recite up to 30 juz of the Quran within 2 to 4 years and then take syahadah, which is the recitation of the Quran for 30 juz continuously without seeing the mushaf, within 1 to 3 days.
The Islamic Studies Division has 15 ustaz who teach five classes in the female division. The study of the men’s division in this madrasah is only up to the 4th year out of the total 8 years of study.
After the students complete their 4th year at this madrasah, they will continue their 5th year studies at Mardasah Miftahul Ulum Sri Petaling until graduation in the 8th year. The study of the female division is up to the 4th year out of the total 6 years of study. The madrasah has agreed to continue the fifth year, which will begin in the future. There are about 80 foreign students studying at this dimadrasah from Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, China, Indonesia, Singapore, and Pakistan.
Project Start Point
A development committee was created and has taken full responsibility for the effort to develop the new Madrasah Tahfiz. An agreement was reached at a meeting to build the Madrasah Tahfiz Miftahul Ulum Complex, which is estimated to cost about RM33 million and was started in 2011. Alhamdullilah, a servant of Allah, has pledged more than 10 acres of land and RM20 million to start this development project. The initial step taken by holding a briefing on the project was held on 17th April, 2010, and was attended by more than 1,000 guests. In the briefing, the attendees were informed that the purpose of the construction of the madrasah complex was for the benefit of all parties. It also means that this madrasah does not belong to a single person; it belongs to us all. We are all responsible for maintaining, advancing, preserving, and regulating this madrasah.
In addition, we would also like to open the opportunity for YB/ Tan Sri/ Puan Sri/ Dato’/ Datin/ Sri/ Puan/ Encik/ Cik to benefit equally from the new development of the madrasah in the form of rewards and rewards in the afterlife as a result of the recitation of the Quran and the practices performed by the students in this madrasah. This is because the madrasah can accommodate about 1,200 students in the Quran tahfiz. Each student will read at least six juz per day. This means that every day will be recited 7,200 juz in this madrasah, equivalent to 240 times the khatam of the Quran. Each month will be recited 126,000 juz of the Quran, equivalent to 4,200 times the khatam of the Quran.